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Shilei Hao
Update  :  2017-04-24     Read  :  

【TITLE & POSITION】Associate Professor

【ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS】Member of BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology. Guest editors of Current Pharmaceutical Design, and Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience.

【CONTACT INFORMATION】E-mail: shilei_hao@cqu.edu.cn; Website: http://wangbochu.cqu.edu.cn/info/10446/85978.htm.


Dr. Shilei Hao graduated from Chongqing University (Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, 2014). He studied at MIT (USA) as a visiting scientist from 2019 to 2020. He has presided 1 Projects supported National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He has published 40 papers in journals such as J Control Release, Chem Mater, etc. Many papers were highlighted by media such as MIT News, ScienceDaily, etc. Moreover, he has applied and obtained 10 patents of inventions. He has supervised 6 master students and 2 Ph.D. students.


1. Protein Science:

Protein Design and Application: Keratin & Receptor Proteins

2. Pharmaceutics & Tissue Engineering:

Drug Delivery Systems: Brain & Stomach

Wound Healing, Hemostasis, and Neural Regeneration

3. Biomechanics:

Mass effects induced by intracerebral haemorrhage


1. Kan J.; Li W.; Qing R.; Gao F.; Wang Y.; Zhu L.; Wang B.; * Hao S.* Mechanisms Study of Recombinant Keratin Solubilization with Enhanced Wound Healing Capability. Chemistry of Materials. 2020, 22, 3122-3133.

2. Hao, S., Jin D., Zhang S.,* and Qing R.* QTY code-designed water-soluble Fc-fusion cytokine receptors bind to their respective ligands. QRB Discovery. 2020 doi: 10.1017/qrd.2020.4

3. Gong, Y.; Wang, Y.; Qu, Q.; Hou, Z.; Guo, T.; Xu, Y.; Qing, R.; Deng, J.*; Wang, B.*; Hao, S. * Nanoparticle encapsulated core-shell hydrogel for on-site BMSCs delivery protects from iron overload and enhances functional recovery. Journal of Controlled Release 2020, 320, 381-391.

4. Yang X.; Zhai D.; Song J.; Qing R.; Wang B.; Ji J.;* Chen X.;* Hao S.* Rhein-PEG- nHA conjugate as a bone targeted drug delivery vehicle for enhanced cancer chemo-radiotherapy, Nanomedicine: NBM. 2020. 102196.

5. Gao, F.; Li, W.; Deng, J.; Kan, J.; Guo, T.; Wang, B.; Hao, S.* J. A. a. m.; interfaces, Recombinant Human Hair Keratin Nanoparticles Accelerate Dermal Wound Healing. ACS Appl Mater Inter 2019, 11, (20), 18681-18690.

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